Mini Cattleyas …..

This section of the Cattleya family has gone ahead in leaps and bounds in the past thirty years, mainly with the importation and breeding carried out by David Littman. There has been further breeding done by hobby growers, but the biggest jump forward at the moment is being done by Rosella Orchids from Grafton. The colours that are being produced have to seen to be believed. Splash petals and a great range of art shade colours, with good shape, are making these “Mini” cattleyas most sought after.

The beauty of growing Mini Catts, is that they grow very easily, are not big plants, flower two-three times per year, carry one to four flowers per raceme, can be grown into a specimen plant very quickly. Because they are small plants, you can have a lot of plants in a small area, flowers all the year round and the colours seem endless.

Some of the Species that have been used to breed them are:

  • C.coccinea
  • C. pumila
  • C.walkeriana
  • C.luteolaC.intermedia
  • Gur.aurantiaca
  • C.amethystoglossa
  • Bro.sanguinea

Some of the current hybrids that have been used to produce the current plants:

  • Rth. Free Spirit
  • C. Beaufort
  • C. Precious Stones
  • C. Orpeti
  • C. Tiny Titan
  • C. Gillian Lee
  • C.Lana Coryell
  • C. Dal’s Cutie
  • Rth. Dal’s Emperor
  • Grt. Why Not
  • Ctna. Keith Roth

They are ideal for hobby growers that do not have a lot of room.