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The use of Molasses as a fertiliser, not only helps your orchids to grow, but also protects them.

Molasses, in Australia, comes from sugar cane. In the milling process of the sugar cane, mostly sugars are removed. The majority of the mineral nutrients, which were contained in the original sugar cane, are still present in the molasses. This is a critical factor, because a balanced supply of mineral nutrients is essential for the plants to survive and thrive. For this reason natural, organic sources of micronutrients, are the best means to supply them to the orchids. Molasses contains significant amounts of potash, sulphur and a variety of micronutrients.

Another great result of using molasses is the fact that ANTS do not like it. I have not seen ants in the orchid houses for many years, nor has there been any hard back scale.

The mixture rate for a spray-bottle is; Mix a teaspoon of molasses in 1 to 2 litres of warm water, let it cool and spray the plants.

I have a 220 litre spray tank into which I put 500 mls of premixed molasses (Premix one cup of molasses to 4 ltrs of warm water) and I then put 500mls in the spray tank. I use an ordinary garden hose to put it on the plants. I do not recommend putting it through a spray system, as it can block the sprayers. If you mix it too strong, it will leave a sticky substance on the leaf surface. No wetting agent is required.