Summer Growing

Growing you Orchids in SUMMER …….


These are the best growing months, the longest day-length of sun light and the warmest temperatures, night and day. Your plants should be growing at their best and it is up to you to supply them with the fertilizers and water they need to respond to these conditions.

Water every 2/3 days with open type potting mixes, such as bark/charcoal/styrene foam.

Water every 3/4 days with a more packed type mixes, such as sphagnum moss/peat moss/perlite/coconut chunks.

Fertilize every week at half strength, a higher nitrogen content is recommended. (Urea is not recommended) There are many fertilizes available, try to keep in the following ranges N 15/20 P 4/8 K 8/14 plus trace elements.

Calcium Nitrate at 1 gram to a litre fortnightly, any organic fertilizer can be used, Seasol, Nitrosol, Fish, Molasses etc.

You have to allow for lengthy rain periods and overcast conditions at this time of year.

